To donate click the button below or scan the QR code using your phone:
You can confidently donate Online via QR code or yellow button above or to Ensure that 100% of your Donation comes to us (Versus a portion going to Online Fees)—You can mail a check to:
Evergreen Minds, Inc
PO Box 586
Fishkill, NY 12524
Evergreen Minds, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization. Which means your contribution to this meaningful work is tax deductible. Your financial support helps us carry out our mission to ensure people living with dementia in all living environments have the opportunity and choice to engage in natural spaces each day throughout every season.
In our mission to grow and sustain inter-generational connections, Evergreen Minds, Inc. partners with academic institutions such as Vassar College and Notre Dame de Namur University as well as other not-for-profit organizations such as Cornell Cooperative Extension’s No Child Left Inside (NCLI) program.
Your financial support helps us connect more people to nature and expressive arts via online and face to face workshops–and to develop the Evergreen Minds Institute which will provide education and certification opportunities to senior living professionals and family care partners.
Our Mission
To offer people living with dementia opportunities for meaningful connections and pathways to physical, social and emotional well-being through mindful immersions in nature and expressive arts.
Our Vision
We also work to reduce the stigma and misconceptions that often surround dementia by creating rich inter-generational experiences, instilling a sense of normalcy and community. At the same time, we offer educational support and trainings for caregivers and relevant organizations so that they will join our effort to recognize the importance of connecting people and nature and provide opportunities for growth and inspiration in all of life’s seasons.
Thank you for your generous support!